•For every prediction, expect a variation of 10 minutes.
•The dates in April that will show high fluctuation and volatility are: 6, 7, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30
•The first week will determine the trend throughout April. Ganesha advises investors to stay away from Nifty.
•9:10 to 10:25- Nifty is likely to move from down to up during this period. Don't trade unless you have ample spending power and courage to bear the losses.
•10:25 to 11:35- During this period, barring a couple of positive periods, the market graph will move in the downward direction.
•11:35to 13:25- This is the best possible period for jobbing in the day. Nifty is likely to follow a mixed pattern.
•13:25 to 15:30- Nifty is likely to move from up to down
•The dates in April that will show high fluctuation and volatility are: 6, 7, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30
•The first week will determine the trend throughout April. Ganesha advises investors to stay away from Nifty.
•9:10 to 10:25- Nifty is likely to move from down to up during this period. Don't trade unless you have ample spending power and courage to bear the losses.
•10:25 to 11:35- During this period, barring a couple of positive periods, the market graph will move in the downward direction.
•11:35to 13:25- This is the best possible period for jobbing in the day. Nifty is likely to follow a mixed pattern.
•13:25 to 15:30- Nifty is likely to move from up to down
Source: GaneshaSpeaks