•The dates in April that will show high fluctuation and volatility are: 7, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30
•The first week will determine the trend throughout April. Ganesha advises investors to stay away from Nifty.
•9:10 to 11:35- This is a challenging period for both you and Nifty. The weightage for this period explains it.
•11:35 to 12:45- Barring a minor dip sometime during this period, Nifty is likely to stay strong.
•12:45 to 15:30- It's confusing times at the Nifty. Jobbing is your only option. And if your sixth sense, that is intuition, is sharp enough, you may even make a lot of money.
•The first week will determine the trend throughout April. Ganesha advises investors to stay away from Nifty.
•9:10 to 11:35- This is a challenging period for both you and Nifty. The weightage for this period explains it.
•11:35 to 12:45- Barring a minor dip sometime during this period, Nifty is likely to stay strong.
•12:45 to 15:30- It's confusing times at the Nifty. Jobbing is your only option. And if your sixth sense, that is intuition, is sharp enough, you may even make a lot of money.
Source: GaneshaSpeaks